how do you know if your blocked on whatsapp?

how do you know if your blocked on whatsapp
Omio Many Geos

If you’re wondering whether you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp, here are some signs that could indicate this:

  1. Last Seen/Online Status: If you can no longer see the contact’s “Last Seen” or “Online” status in the chat window, it could be a sign. However, some people might have this setting turned off for privacy reasons, so it isn’t a definitive indicator.
  2. Profile Picture: If you can no longer see the contact’s profile picture, it might mean you’re blocked, but again, they could have removed it or changed privacy settings.
  3. Message Delivery Status:
  • One check mark (✓): This means the message has been sent but not yet delivered to the recipient’s device.
  • Two check marks (✓✓): This indicates that the message was delivered.
  • Two blue check marks (✓✓): This means the message was read. If your messages always show just one gray check mark (✓) and never change to two, it might mean you’ve been blocked.
  1. Calls Won’t Go Through: If you try to make a WhatsApp call to them, and it doesn’t go through (just keeps ringing or fails immediately), it could be another sign of being blocked.
  2. Group Chats: If you’re in a group chat with the person, and you suddenly can’t see their messages, or they don’t appear to be receiving your messages, they may have blocked you.
    Note: While these signs are often associated with being blocked, none of them is 100% conclusive. The person could have changed their privacy settings or have network issues affecting message delivery.
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